Sunday, March 10, 2013

CCRP Elections- Election or Popularity Contest


Every two years in the odd numbered years the CCRP holds elections of officers. These are very important elections as the members elected to these positions will be largely responsible for developing and executing a comprehensive plan to bring the party forward to accomplish it's goals.

If we look at the recent elections, it would seem that most of the recent CCRP elections are nothing  more than a popularity contest. The strategy is simple and has been repeated more than once in the last few years. You simply drive membership by encouraging people in your particular group or of a particular political ideology to register Republican and join the CCRP in order to achieve active member status and be able to vote. A slate is then created and distributed to like-minded individuals. If you have more followers than your opponent, you win. If we review the success and accomplishments of the County Party over the past years, this approach has resulted in very few meaningful accomplishments. Perhaps it is time we vote for the best qualified people who can actually execute the responsibilities of their respective positions.

What do we need in a Chairman?

1. The ability to raise funds for the organization.  This is probably the most important function the Chairman must perform. Without the necessary funds to execute a plan to build the party there can be no success.

2. The Chairman must develop a comprehensive written plan stating the goals of the organization, detailing the actions that must be taken to achieve these goals.

3. The Chairman must have the ability to coalesce all of the different factions of the Republican Party in Clark County. The Chairman should encourage participation from all groups and support a blend of members to serve either by endorsement for election or by appointment to key positions.

4. The Chairman should recruit a slate of candidates to serve on a team that works together using quality members who have proven track records of accomplishment. We need people that are qualified and understand that if you run for a certain position, you are expected to fulfill your responsibilities.

5. The Chairman should be a member who has served in the organization and has a  thorough understanding of the By-laws and Rules. The ability to recruit qualified people who can fill key positions that are appointed by the Chair. Examples of these positions would be Parliamentarian, Finance Director, and Legal Counsel, to name a few. As a result of the recent by-laws changes, there are an increased number of people needed in many newly created positions. A good Chairman needs a good team.

The battle lines have already been drawn. The various factions are recruiting their candidates. The call to show up and join has gone out from all sides. Will this election turn out to be just another popularity contest, decided long before July and entirely based on who is more successful in recruiting new members who will then blindly vote the slate handed to them? There is an alternative.

We can repeat the mistakes of the past and let history repeat itself. We can remain divided and unfocused and be satisfied with the meager results of the past.

The time for us to begin to come together is now. Yes we will have differences of opinion and not agree on certain issues. The time has come to realize that together we are stronger than a sum of the parts. Let's examine each candidate on their merits. Let's strive to elect an officer slate that is representative of all the various factions. Let's elect  qualified leaders who can develop a plan and be able to raise the funds to execute the plan. Building infrastructure,  creating an institutional memory, building coalitions, creating a viable precinct strategy,  and developing a volunteer force.

July is a few short months away. Will we elect officers who are qualified to execute their positions regardless of whether or not they belong to your favorite group? Will we elect a representative slate of people who look beyond their ideology and are able to work with all Republicans? Can we grow and develop the CCRP into an effective organization that will be an asset to Republican candidates in 2014 and beyond?

The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

Frank Ricotta

Frank Ricotta has been active in the CCRP since 2009. Frank has served on the e-board for the past 5 years holding various officer positions. Frank has served as the Coalitions Director , Political Director, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman. Frank is not running for any position in 2013.