Friday, June 8, 2012

Clark County Republican Party Past, Present, and Future

Clark County Republican Party
Past, Present, and Future

The Clark County Republican Party according to its by-laws will support all Republican Candidates for office elected in the June 12, 2012 primaries.

The CCRP will work with the Nevada State Republican Party and all other groups in Nevada that are interested in electing Republicans to office in Nevada at all levels of government.

Perhaps it is time to reflect on the past and see how far we have come in the last 4 years. When I first joined the CCRP it was a small organization of less than 200 members. The headquarters were located in a dismal office on Decatur. The state Republican Party was located in the back of the county party office on a card table surrounded by a stack of cardboard boxes. Both organizations were effectively broke and broken. The office area looked like the backroom of the Salvation Army collection point.

The new members in 2009 arrived with good intentions and an eagerness to get to work to help the Republican Party be successful in Nevada. We were met with skepticism and scorn and certainly felt anything but welcome.  We were not deterred and in the 3 years since being involved from Coalitions to Chairman I have watched the party grow and become a more professional organization at all levels. We had many goals most of which were not realized but as a Tea Partier I have always been proud of what we did accomplish during this time.

Facts do not lie. The net result of the State Republican Party and the County Republican Party existing under the current rules of our parties has not been good. Republicans are the minority in both the State Senate and State Assembly. Leadership on a party level is virtually nonexistent from our senior elected officials. Party unity has never been more fractured as a general environment of misunderstanding and emotion has clouded good conversation and logic. Obviously something has to change as repeating our current behavior cannot change our expected result.

Looking to the future there now exists an unprecedented opportunity for change. The CCRP membership is strong and robust as we go through this short transitional period of reorganization. The future goals of the party are well defined and achievable. What are these goals?

The ability to recruit, support, and endorse candidates in Republican Primary Races.
The ability to participate in all local government races.
The ability to bring the goal of smaller more efficient government to all levels of government in Clark County.
The ability to work with our leadership of elected officials in order to strengthen our party and put forward a strong conservative platform in Nevada.
The ability to hold our Republican elected officials feet to the fire once elected. Encourage our candidates to uphold their pledge to uphold the constitution. Insist on having our elected officials be accountable to their constituents.

These were the goals of the Tea Party when it first burst on to the political scene in 2009. Now a new wave of Liberty minded constitutional supporters have emerged as new party leadership at both the state and County levels. The reaction has been much the same as 4 years ago. Misunderstanding, mistrust and a lack of civil debate. I would encourage all Nevada Republicans who want to see politics in Nevada change to take a moment to reflect on your core beliefs and honestly compare them to the goals of the new leadership at both the State and County levels.

Do not disengage. Engage. Do not resign.. Join. Do not let emotion rule. Engage in civil debate

There is a great opportunity ahead of us if you have the courage to stand up and unite.

Frank Ricotta
  Clark County Republican Party Political Director

 The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Liberty movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

“Here sir, the people govern.” --Alexander Hamilton in a speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, 1788 
“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.” --Samuel Adams, 1781
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.” --Abraham Lincoln