Sunday, August 1, 2010

Online Activism - Winning in a digital world or Teaching an old dog new tricks

I attended a training this week given by American majority. One of the interesting topics on the agenda was the subject of Online activism. The group in attendance were all very interested to learn more about this subject which most of us knew very little about.

 The class was similar to learning a foreign language in high school many years ago. Tweeting retweeting Wiki blogs. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at first. We were told that communication by e-mail was going the way of the VHS and social media was all the rage. The speaker admonished us that age was no excuse and to be able to organize and communicate effectively we would need to come up to speed on this strange new world.

So here I am friends writing you a blog that I will advertise on my face book page. I will also tweet you if you follow me and if I am lucky you will retweet. I might have to take some additional classes and most definitely try to improve my writing skills of which I was never any good at to begin with. I was a science major and have been a pharmacist for 33 years.

If you would like to learn more and participate in these new communication tools then you should visit this website

If you would like to communicate with me try these links ..!/fricotta