Sunday, March 10, 2013

CCRP Elections- Election or Popularity Contest


Every two years in the odd numbered years the CCRP holds elections of officers. These are very important elections as the members elected to these positions will be largely responsible for developing and executing a comprehensive plan to bring the party forward to accomplish it's goals.

If we look at the recent elections, it would seem that most of the recent CCRP elections are nothing  more than a popularity contest. The strategy is simple and has been repeated more than once in the last few years. You simply drive membership by encouraging people in your particular group or of a particular political ideology to register Republican and join the CCRP in order to achieve active member status and be able to vote. A slate is then created and distributed to like-minded individuals. If you have more followers than your opponent, you win. If we review the success and accomplishments of the County Party over the past years, this approach has resulted in very few meaningful accomplishments. Perhaps it is time we vote for the best qualified people who can actually execute the responsibilities of their respective positions.

What do we need in a Chairman?

1. The ability to raise funds for the organization.  This is probably the most important function the Chairman must perform. Without the necessary funds to execute a plan to build the party there can be no success.

2. The Chairman must develop a comprehensive written plan stating the goals of the organization, detailing the actions that must be taken to achieve these goals.

3. The Chairman must have the ability to coalesce all of the different factions of the Republican Party in Clark County. The Chairman should encourage participation from all groups and support a blend of members to serve either by endorsement for election or by appointment to key positions.

4. The Chairman should recruit a slate of candidates to serve on a team that works together using quality members who have proven track records of accomplishment. We need people that are qualified and understand that if you run for a certain position, you are expected to fulfill your responsibilities.

5. The Chairman should be a member who has served in the organization and has a  thorough understanding of the By-laws and Rules. The ability to recruit qualified people who can fill key positions that are appointed by the Chair. Examples of these positions would be Parliamentarian, Finance Director, and Legal Counsel, to name a few. As a result of the recent by-laws changes, there are an increased number of people needed in many newly created positions. A good Chairman needs a good team.

The battle lines have already been drawn. The various factions are recruiting their candidates. The call to show up and join has gone out from all sides. Will this election turn out to be just another popularity contest, decided long before July and entirely based on who is more successful in recruiting new members who will then blindly vote the slate handed to them? There is an alternative.

We can repeat the mistakes of the past and let history repeat itself. We can remain divided and unfocused and be satisfied with the meager results of the past.

The time for us to begin to come together is now. Yes we will have differences of opinion and not agree on certain issues. The time has come to realize that together we are stronger than a sum of the parts. Let's examine each candidate on their merits. Let's strive to elect an officer slate that is representative of all the various factions. Let's elect  qualified leaders who can develop a plan and be able to raise the funds to execute the plan. Building infrastructure,  creating an institutional memory, building coalitions, creating a viable precinct strategy,  and developing a volunteer force.

July is a few short months away. Will we elect officers who are qualified to execute their positions regardless of whether or not they belong to your favorite group? Will we elect a representative slate of people who look beyond their ideology and are able to work with all Republicans? Can we grow and develop the CCRP into an effective organization that will be an asset to Republican candidates in 2014 and beyond?

The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

Frank Ricotta

Frank Ricotta has been active in the CCRP since 2009. Frank has served on the e-board for the past 5 years holding various officer positions. Frank has served as the Coalitions Director , Political Director, Vice-Chairman, and Chairman. Frank is not running for any position in 2013.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Republicans -Your Vote May No Longer Count

  For the record I am not a fervent Ron Paul supporter.

 That said there is much of Dr. Paul's agenda that I agree with . His fiscal policies would go a long way to addressing many of this Countries problems. I am also not a fervent Mitt Romney supporter. Being a conservative there is much to be desired in the record of Mitt Romney and the voting record of Paul Ryan. This is not about who I support in this election but rather it is about the process of selecting our presidential candidate.

The controversy here is this. My vote at the caucus does not count. The only vote that was important was the election of delegates. I was under the assumption that they were bound and now as it would seem each delegate is free to vote for whomever they wish. So the nominee will be picked by the election of the delegates who were voted to represent us at the State convention. Does this not discount the vote of all of the Republicans who attended the caucus and did not support Dr. Paul. This controversy was started with the recent discovery of Rule 38 and it ramifications on the Republican candidate for president. Rule 38 states:

Unit Rule
No delegate or alternate delegate shall be
bound by any attempt of any state or Congressional
district to impose the unit rule.
Republican Party Rule Book:

Due to a challenge by a member of the Utah delegation in 2008 the RNC legal counsel offered this opinion

“Jennifer Sheehan, Legal Counsel for the RNC, plainly stated in a letter to Nancy Lord, Utah National Committeewoman, several weeks before the convention, 'The RNC does not recognize a state's binding of national delegates, but considers each delegate a free agent who can vote for whoever they choose.'”

This would seem to me to suggest the Presidential Candidates in the future will be chosen by a small minority of active Republicans that will pledge to attend the caucus, county convention , State Convention, and elect delegates who pledge to attend the National convention and commit to a particular candidate. This system would discourage participation in the caucus process which is already very low and concentrate power among a small number of people.

There have been many members of the Nevada Republican Party (myself included) who have spent countless hours working in party politics. In a meeting of the State Central Committee in 2010 we voted on the delegate process for the 2012 elections. After many hours of discussion the committee voted to have a process by which the delegates would be proportioned and committed to the various candidates according to the 2012 caucus straw poll. There was no knowledge or mention of rule 38 which would in effect render our decisions a moot point.

Now in light of this obscure rule we are on the verge of discounting the vote of every caucus attendee.What are we to tell the Republicans who gave up their Saturday morning to attend the caucus to cast their vote for the candidate of their choice? Your vote does not count because we have changed the rules. No one knows how this controversy will play out. One thing is for sure we as a party are now making a statement.

 Republicans - your vote no longer counts.

Frank Ricotta
Political Director Clark County Republican Party
Former Chairman Clark County Republican Party
Member Clark County Central Committee
Member Nevada State Republican Party Central Committee

Friday, June 8, 2012

Clark County Republican Party Past, Present, and Future

Clark County Republican Party
Past, Present, and Future

The Clark County Republican Party according to its by-laws will support all Republican Candidates for office elected in the June 12, 2012 primaries.

The CCRP will work with the Nevada State Republican Party and all other groups in Nevada that are interested in electing Republicans to office in Nevada at all levels of government.

Perhaps it is time to reflect on the past and see how far we have come in the last 4 years. When I first joined the CCRP it was a small organization of less than 200 members. The headquarters were located in a dismal office on Decatur. The state Republican Party was located in the back of the county party office on a card table surrounded by a stack of cardboard boxes. Both organizations were effectively broke and broken. The office area looked like the backroom of the Salvation Army collection point.

The new members in 2009 arrived with good intentions and an eagerness to get to work to help the Republican Party be successful in Nevada. We were met with skepticism and scorn and certainly felt anything but welcome.  We were not deterred and in the 3 years since being involved from Coalitions to Chairman I have watched the party grow and become a more professional organization at all levels. We had many goals most of which were not realized but as a Tea Partier I have always been proud of what we did accomplish during this time.

Facts do not lie. The net result of the State Republican Party and the County Republican Party existing under the current rules of our parties has not been good. Republicans are the minority in both the State Senate and State Assembly. Leadership on a party level is virtually nonexistent from our senior elected officials. Party unity has never been more fractured as a general environment of misunderstanding and emotion has clouded good conversation and logic. Obviously something has to change as repeating our current behavior cannot change our expected result.

Looking to the future there now exists an unprecedented opportunity for change. The CCRP membership is strong and robust as we go through this short transitional period of reorganization. The future goals of the party are well defined and achievable. What are these goals?

The ability to recruit, support, and endorse candidates in Republican Primary Races.
The ability to participate in all local government races.
The ability to bring the goal of smaller more efficient government to all levels of government in Clark County.
The ability to work with our leadership of elected officials in order to strengthen our party and put forward a strong conservative platform in Nevada.
The ability to hold our Republican elected officials feet to the fire once elected. Encourage our candidates to uphold their pledge to uphold the constitution. Insist on having our elected officials be accountable to their constituents.

These were the goals of the Tea Party when it first burst on to the political scene in 2009. Now a new wave of Liberty minded constitutional supporters have emerged as new party leadership at both the state and County levels. The reaction has been much the same as 4 years ago. Misunderstanding, mistrust and a lack of civil debate. I would encourage all Nevada Republicans who want to see politics in Nevada change to take a moment to reflect on your core beliefs and honestly compare them to the goals of the new leadership at both the State and County levels.

Do not disengage. Engage. Do not resign.. Join. Do not let emotion rule. Engage in civil debate

There is a great opportunity ahead of us if you have the courage to stand up and unite.

Frank Ricotta
  Clark County Republican Party Political Director

 The strength and resilience of a grassroots movement is the ability of citizens at the local level to determine their own platforms, agendas and priorities free of an overriding central leadership. Exercising the clearly stated message of the Liberty movement by its nature involves discourse about which policies and candidates best hold to our stated principles, and these various opinions should flourish and evolve at the local level.

“Here sir, the people govern.” --Alexander Hamilton in a speech to the New York Ratifying Convention, 1788 
“Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories.” --Samuel Adams, 1781
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.” --Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Taxpayer Protection Pledge- The guarantee on the box ?

Taxpayer Protection Pledge- The guarantee on the box ?

What is a guarantee? Or better yet, why do people like it "on the box?" Simple, because it makes a man feel good. As Chris Farley was quoted movie Tommy Boy (1995):

Mr. Conservative Voter: Let's think about this for a sec, John Q, why do they put a guarantee on a box? Hmm, very interesting.

John Q: I'm listening.

Mr. Conservative: Here's how I see it. A guy puts a guarantee on the box 'cause he wants you to feel all warm and toasty inside.

John Q: Yeah, makes a man feel good.

Mr. Conservative: 'Course it does. Ya think if you leave that box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter and not grow Government and raise taxes

John Q: What's your point?

Mr. Conservative: The point is, how do you know the Guarantee Fairy isn't a tax and spender? "Building a strong efficient government" says the little fairy, but we're not buying it. Next thing you know, there's money missing out of your paycheck and your state budget has grown again, I seen it a hundred times.

John Q: But why do they put a guarantee on the box then?

Mr. Conservative: Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of crap. That's all it is. Hey, if you want me to take some of that and put in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for right now, for your sake, for your families sake, ya might wanna think about voting for a quality candidate who will keep their campaign promises.

John Q: Hmm. Okay, I'll vote for the principled conservatives

Mr. Conservative: Well that’s great now go and do your own due diligence and make an educated choice

Don't I wish it was that easy? Mr. Conservative makes an excellent point. He would argue that the guarantee on a box is meaningless. The candidates will promise you the world to get your vote. You give the time, the energy, and in many cases your hard earned money. Have you received a satisfactory return on your investment? We must demand more from our elected officials.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Calling all Nevada Tea Party Activists

After the 2008 elections a groundswell of Tea Party Patriots became active in local politics for the first time. With the election of a very liberal president and the progressive left agenda being pushed on the American people, it was time for we the people to speak.

Nevada was at the forefront on this resurgence with multiple tea party groups emerging across the state and especially in Clark County. Realizing the realities of the 2 party system many elected to join their local county Republican party to initiate change and bring their strong Conservative views to the party. Much was accomplished in the last 3 years and the new energized members can be proud of their accomplishments.

There is much work left to be done and 2012 is probably one of the most important elections of our lifetime. Now is the time to recommit yourself to the goal of helping conservatives win in this year's election.

If you attended this year’s caucus and elected to become a delegate to the Clark County Convention there are many ways to get involved. Consider running for the e-board, elect to become a state delegate, volunteer as many hours as you can to work either the republican party or with a candidate of your choice

I have served in many capacities in the county party, coalitions director, vice chairman , and had the honor of being elected as the Chairman in 2010. Unfortunately I had to resign for health reasons in 2011. I am now ready to serve again and hope you will join me.

I am running for the position of political director for the Clark County Republican Party. I would ask that you join me in bringing the conservative message to the party. I humbly ask for your support and your vote.

Together we can and will enjoy victory in this year’s elections. Failure is not an option!

In liberty,

Frank Ricotta

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nevada Future is at Stake This November

Moody's analytics has released it's preliminary report to the Nevada Vision Stake holders Group. The group is lead by State Senator Steven Horsford. The plan is certainly bold and ambitious and most certainly expensive. The Group, which is not representative of a cross section of Nevadans, has been working hard to come up with creative ways to implement broad tax increases for the citizens of Nevada.

This November it is more important then ever for the citizens of this great state to know who they are voting for. We must elect a majority of fiscally conservative legislators to bring sanity and common sense to the Budget process in 2011.

The Democrats have laid out their plans and it is clear that their goal is to continue to grow government and pass the bill to the Nevada taxpayers. If given the majority in both the Senate and the Assembly, the Democrats will forge ahead with this plan.

It would be a good idea for us all to review this report as we approach the last 2 months before the November elections. The choice is clear for all Nevadans.  We must work hard as conservative Republicans to elect our fiscal Conservative candidates.

The future of Nevada is in our hands and we must be successful this November or we will surely pay dearly. We must do all we can in the remaining days leading up to the elections to communicate our message. We must first reduce spending and make our State government more efficient before we can even begin to discuss increasing any tax or fee. Time is short. Let's get to work !

Click Here to read the full report

Frank Ricotta

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Online Activism - Winning in a digital world or Teaching an old dog new tricks

I attended a training this week given by American majority. One of the interesting topics on the agenda was the subject of Online activism. The group in attendance were all very interested to learn more about this subject which most of us knew very little about.

 The class was similar to learning a foreign language in high school many years ago. Tweeting retweeting Wiki blogs. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at first. We were told that communication by e-mail was going the way of the VHS and social media was all the rage. The speaker admonished us that age was no excuse and to be able to organize and communicate effectively we would need to come up to speed on this strange new world.

So here I am friends writing you a blog that I will advertise on my face book page. I will also tweet you if you follow me and if I am lucky you will retweet. I might have to take some additional classes and most definitely try to improve my writing skills of which I was never any good at to begin with. I was a science major and have been a pharmacist for 33 years.

If you would like to learn more and participate in these new communication tools then you should visit this website

If you would like to communicate with me try these links ..!/fricotta